Thursday, November 27, 2008

Robert Pattinson

I know you're everywhere these days, so you're probably getting for-real fanmail that's 10 times creepier than this missive will ever be, but I will do my level best to profess the depth of my esteem for you.

I first felt stirrings of fanliness when Goblet of Fire came out. "Who is this attractive man who is closest to my age of all the actors in the Harry Potter movies, and therefore the most appropriate man to be attracted to?" I thought to myself. "And why does his character stare intensely at young Harry? I wish he'd stare that way at me."

I bought the movie when it came out, even though I didn't particularly think it was that good. And do you know why? It was for you, Mr. Pattinson (The music video in the extras of The Wyrd Sisters song was pretty cool too, but I digress). You, with your tousled hair and perpetually flushed cheeks. There was something about you.

After the hubbub died down, you disappeared for awhile from American movies. You did a few roles, but I was unable to locate your movies (damn those limited releases!). I despaired of seeing you again.

But what rumblings did I hear on the internet? The Twilight movie? Was it true? Yes! You were playing the lead character! Oh happy day!

There was a grey lining to this silver cloud. Upon researching the Twilight books, I discovered that they were unreadably bad. What would this mean for the movie? Unwatchably bad? Oh dear oh dear.

Is this a test? Must I endure the travesty that is the Twilight movie? Indeed I must; nothing could keep me away from an RPattz movie. Not even Mormon vampires.


Monday, November 24, 2008

John Francis Daley

There's no denying it, you're my new favorite reason to watch Bones. Dr. Lance Sweets is a wonderful character who reflects my position in life (even if I don't have two doctorates). He's competent but very young, a great illustration of the struggle between knowledge and experience. Also, Sweets is an okay replacement for Psychologist!Stephen Fry.

This is just a continuation of my enduring admiration of you. Freaks and Geeks introduced America to a whole host of actors and creative minds. Most of the cast remained in sight and in mind (where are you, Sam Levine???). Sadly, the show was not meant to last, despite what TV Guide had to say (basically, "Shame on you, NBC."). And now we have a great DVD box set released for the Christmas season. God bless you, religious celebration cum retail holiday.

After Freaks and Geeks you were on a couple episodes of Boston Public and I cheered, happy to see you in work. Then you were on that Geena Davis Madame President show that I didn't watch. And then you quietly fell out of notice. I do admit I forgot about you a little bit. I moved on to other shows, other interests, other fan obsessions (The Lonely Island, anyone?).

At last, you have returned. You helped the gang figure out what kind of psychopath Gormogon was, all while putting Booth and Bones through couples counseling and being the kid. You're sticking around. You made it to your second season on a TV series!!!

And you have a band! (Thank you, Wikipedia!) And that band doesn't suck! I won't forget about you any time soon. You're on my screen every week during the regular television season.

And for these reasons, you've earned yourself a fan missive. Feel proud, John Francis Daley.
